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Lauren E. Storck, CCAC founder and president

Lauren E. Storck, CCAC founder and president

I have made the acquaintance of Patti White through her participation in the CCAC, an official non-profit volunteer organization dedicated solely to captioning advocacy internationally (please see (http://CCACaptioning.org). The CCAC welcomes users, providers, and so many others who support our Mission, and Patti has been a dedicated participant whom we value highly.

Through Patti’s business contacts, her work experience and expertise, Patti has successfully implemented captioning into new markets, empowering individuals to more fully participate in meetings, conventions, and public forums. Her attention on detail helps to improve communication among all members of society.

Patti recently provided “live event captioning” (CART) for an important event – a candidate speaking to her constituents. This is wonderful and we applaud Patti and Good Sport Captioning for making it happen (read more on http://ccacaptioning.org/captions-capture-the-votes/.)

She is a leader in this profession by happily providing training and public education. We need many more students to enter this field of study who will then become experienced providers for a huge population of people of all ages who need quality services. Patti reaches out to students and other professionals to educate them about the benefits of entering this remarkable field.

Finally, the Sports events that Patti captions are surely a delight to so many thousands of fans. These fans may be unable to hear the public address announcements in sports venues, and Good Sport Captioning assures fans can fully participate in game day activities through scoreboard captioning.